All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 126 in total

Editorial Quarter 3, 2021 - Anthony Kent — Anthony Kent

The importance of advocating for peace and being a peacemaker on earth.

Mission Offerings and You — Sylva Keshishian

How to help members in your congregation stay up-to-date with the adventures and challenges Adventist missionaries face around the world. A call to s...

The Fall: Sin and the Character of God — S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbel

Can knowledge of the great controversy actually make a difference in our lives? How can this perspective in worldview actually impact our lives as we live in a sin-inf...

Disciples Keeping Disciples: Participatory Worship- Part 6 — Paulasir Abraham

The importance of participatory worship. Seven simple steps for churches to create a successful and vibrant participatory worship experience.

The Ministry of a Deacon/Deaconess: Ellen G. White’s Perspective- Part 3 — Ellen G. White

Looking at David's leadership as timeless model for a diaconate. Exploring the principles of Godly leadership.

Jesus Our Security — Rex D. Edwards

Exploring the features of the security that Jesus gives us.

Jesus: His Name — Rex D. Edwards

Exploring five qualities in Jesus' name that describe His character and His work, as listed by Isaiah, the “Gospel Prophet".

Jesus: His Uniqueness — Rex D. Edwards

Defending the supremacy of Christianity through understanding the simplicity of Christ. How the Word was fulfilled. Exploring the transcendence of incarnation.

Jesus the Lifegiver — Rex D. Edwards

What is 'true religion'? What blessings do we received when we are in Christ?

Responding to: What do Seventh-day Adventists Believe? Sharing Jesus — Cedric Vine

How to simply and effectively explain what Seventh-day Adventists believe.

Eight Tips for Teaching Your Sabbath School Class — Clifford R. Goldstein

The importance of having good teachers in Sabbath School lessons. Eight practical tips for Sabbath School teachers.

Mentoring in the Great Outdoors — Andrés J. Peralta

The importance and benefits of spending more time in nature. A call to do more ministry & mentorship activities outdoors.

How You Can Inspire Mission in Your Church — Gary Krause

Practical suggestions on how church leaders can build a greater vision for mission in their churches.

Editorial Quarter 2, 2021 - Anthony Kent — Anthony Kent

A story story about Barry and how he cared for his juvenile kangaroo. A call to care for those in need, especially those suffering due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Are Mission Offerings Still a Thing? — Gary Krause

Does my offering make a difference? Where do mission offerings go and what do they achieve?

Creation: Revealing Who God is and Who We Are — S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbel

Exploring the wonders of creation, and the creative power of God. What did God have in mind when he created the world and humans?

Redemption: The Demonstration of God’s Love — S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell

What al is involved in redemption? Understanding repentance, forgiveness, justification, sanctification and a new life in Christ.

Deaconesses In The First-Century Christian Church — Vincent E. White Sr.

Using scripture to explore the presence and role of deaconesses in the first-century Christian church.

Ellen White’s Earnest Appeal — Ellen G. White

Ellen White’s Earnest Appeal to the General Conference Delegates in preparation for the 1888 Session in Minneapolis.

Easing Tension on the Church Elders’ Team — Lowell C. Cooper

Initiatives for the Elders' team to help inexperienced elders adapt to their new role and responsibilities.

Preaching in the Same Congregation for Many Years — Randy Roberts

Tips on how to remain effective in preaching in one location for many years.

Ministering to Those in Despair — Torben Bergland

Depression: What is it? Who struggles with it? What causes it? How is it treated? How do we minister to those suffering with depression?

Reaching Jewish Hearts — Richard Elofer

The importance of showing love, kindness and gratitude to Jews. Ministering to Jews through deep friendships.

Editorial Quarter 1, 2022 — Anthony Kent

A look at 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18. A word of encouragement as we continue to wait for the second coming of Christ.

The Inspiration and Authority of Ellen G. White’s Writings — Editors at Elder's Digest

What kind of authority does Ellen White's writings have in the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Exploring the affirmations and denials of the Seventh-day Adventist Church...

Disciples Keeping Disciples- Including the Excluded- Part 5 — Paulasir Abraham

Are church environments truly inclusive? How can church members/leaders cultivate an warm, inclusive environment?

The Ministry of a Deacon/Deaconess: Ellen G. White’s Perspective- Part 2 — Ellen G. White

Ellen White shares a model for church organization. Looking to Moses as a timeless model for deacons and deaconesses.

The Mystery of Two Resurrections Resolved — Rex D. Edwards

Is there certainty of a resurrection? Will there be more than one resurrection? What are the sequence of events in the end times?

The Mystery of Hell Extinguished — Rex D. Edwards

Will God's mercy save everyone? Will sinners burn eternally? How long will the punishment of the wicked be?

The Mystery of Immortality Unveiled — Rex D. Edwards

What is the traditional understanding of immortality? What is the Biblical teaching on immortality?

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